Used Cars

How to buy used car? Find Instructions

By TheCarzingTeam May 8, 2019 | Used Cars

Used Cars

Looking for a new car? Keeping in mind the budget, a person decides whether to purchase a new or used car. Buying a pre-owned car is more complex than purchasing a new one. There are several reasons as the buyer is always concerned about the condition of the car and what the right valuation is.

How it all starts?

Now if the buyer has decided to go for a pre-owned car, one should make up one’s mind on the platform to buy a used car; i.e. from a known or any certified dealership. We shall discuss it later in the article. For now, we assume the buyer has a friend from whom he /she is willing to buy a used car. What should the buyer check before making any payments?

  • Inspection of the car: Checking the engine on your own might not be the best option and obtaining a good mechanical inspection by a qualified mechanic is imperative,  in respect to dents, damage or rust. Possible engine oil leaks can also be evaluated by a mechanic  in the business.
  • Test Drive: If the mechanic finds it in good condition it is your turn to have a test drive. In the long run, you will be driving the car, so see for yourself how comfortable the car is or how the handling works for you. Pay attention to basic things as well like headlights, steering, gears, brakes, any noises, sound system, power windows, auto-locking, etc. If you already drive a car you should have an idea on what to notice e.g. the pinpoints.
  • Check car documents and history: This might not sound vital as in this case one is purchasing from a friend but still, it’s important to have proper documents evaluated and asking for those missing. For your personal advantage ask for maintenance and service charges. Model and year of manufacture might help you contact a dealer to know the worth of the car. The resale value of brands also differs which can affect your reasoning.

What are some other options?

If your social network is not adequate to get the pre-owned car you desired; there are always alternatives available in the open market. Hunting a car and capturing from an owner is the best deal but requires loads of efforts and time.

Pre-owned car dealerships and car companies: All brands have their second-hand outlets where they sell or resell used cars. In your neighborhood as well, you might get small-time dealers who have stock of cars you can pick from. This way, the pre-checks have already been done for you and all a buyer has to do is negotiate on the price. In today’s modern times, online classified portals are so many that just typing your requirement will find you somewhere related to your requirements.

Web portals and online marketplaces are a promising way to buy a used car but be sure to check payment options and if a loan is required then better compare the interest and other financing options. Go get your car.


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